Придаточные предложения времени и условия в Future Simple (для продолжающих). Упражнения по английскому языку на придаточные условные предложения Упражнения на first conditional

Вспоминаем, как правильно строить условные предложения в английском языке. Упражнения с ответами, переводом и пояснениями к каждому заданию. Здесь вы найдете упражнения 3 типов:

  • Выбрать из предложенных вариантов подходящий, так чтобы получилось грамматически правильное условное предложение .
  • Подставить вместо многоточия глагол в нужной форме.
  • Перевести условные предложения с русского на английский.

Выполнив задание, нажмите на "Показать правильный ответ" и сверьте свой ответ с правильным.

Если в каком-то задании вы встретите незнакомое английское слово, то достаточно дважды щелкнуть по нему, чтобы получить перевод.

Подробное объяснения правил построения условных предложений, вы найдете в этой статье .

Упражнение 1.

Рядом с каждым заданием вы видите два варианта ответа. Выберите подходящий вариант, а затем нажмите на кнопку "Показать правильный ответ..." и сверьтесь с правильным ответом.

Упражнение 2.

В приведенных ниже условных предложениях раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в форме условного наклонения. Введите в текстовое поле ваш вариант ответа, а затем сравните с правильным ответом. При необходимости добавляйте вспомогательные глаголы will, would, had.

Упражнения 3.

Раскройте скобки, чтобы получилось правильное условное предложение. При необходимости добавляйте вспомогательные глаголы will, would, had.

Упражнения 4.

Раскройте скобки, чтобы получилось правильное предложение. При необходимости добавляйте вспомогательные глаголы will, would, had.

Упражнения 5.

Переведите условные предложения с русского языка на английский. Сравните ваш перевод с правильным ответом.

Здравствуйте, мои дорогие читатели.

Когда вы слышите фразу «Relative Clause » - о чем вы думаете? Русские люди, которые не любят захламлять свою голову всякими терминами, не сразу найдутся с ответом. А вот если намекнуть им на слова that, which или who, которые часто встречаются в текстах, они сразу же понимают, о чем пойдет речь.

Да, придаточные предложения, или грамматика relative clauses : - тема сегодняшнего разговора. Я постараюсь самым простым способом рассказать вам, что, как и для чего используется. А также мы посмотрим на перевод и defining words , что используются в этом правиле. В конце обязательно закрепим полученные знания

Что это такое и как этим пользоваться?

Relative clause - или на русском определительное придаточное предложение, - это часть сложного предложения, которое зависит от главного. Оно обычно соединяет два маленьких предложения в одно или просто добавляет новую интересную информацию, чтобы вам было понятнее, давайте посмотрим пример.

I have a mother who works as a doctor. — У меня есть мама, которая работает врачом.

I missed the bus that was going to take me to church. - Я пропустила автобус, который должен был отвезти меня в церковь.

Что нам говорит правило?

Правило гласит, что в английском языке определительные придаточные предложения могут быть как identifying (ограничительные) или non-identifying (распространительные).

Если говорить проще, то первые определяют что-то важное в предложении, последние - не определяют. Обычно non-identifying предложения можно выделить запятыми и, соответственно, выбросить из предложения.


This is the new computer that I bought yesterday. - Это новый компьютер, который я купил вчера.

She was pleased with the present that her father gave her. - Она была рада подарку, который ее отец ей подарил.

В этих примерах часть текста после слова that - определяющая, потому что если их убрать, предложение потеряет важный смысловую нагрузку. Их никоим образом нельзя пропустить или убрать вовсе.

Вот вам хороший пример, который поможет понять существенную разницу.

The students, who had revised the material, passed the test.

The students who had revised the material passed the test.

Если вспомнить правило, то придаточное предложение, выделенное запятыми, можно выбросить из текста. Поэтому получается, что в первом случае все ученики сдали тест (в том числе и те, кто повторил). А вот во втором случае именно те, кто повторил перед тестом, его и сдали!

Чувствуете разницу?

Когда и как используются who, that, which?

Самые распространенные слова, которые используются в relative clause - это who, which, that.

  • Who используется только с живыми существами: людьми, животными (именно своими, которых вы знаете!) и т.д.

The girl who was my age had already won this competition. - Девочка, которая была со мной одного возраста, уже побеждала в этом конкурсе.

  • Which используется только с неодушевленными предметами.

The catalog which you ordered yesterday will arrive tomorrow. — Каталог, который ты заказал вчера, придет завтра.

  • That используется как с одушевленными, так и с неодушевленными существительными.

The book that is on the table is a present for Joe’s birthday. — Книга, которая лежит на столе, это подарок на день рождения Джо.

Если вы хотите больше узнать о сложных предложениях в английском языке, то прошу. Если же вам интересна вся грамматика, то мой будет очень кстати.

Чтобы вам было намного легче освоить эту темы, я подготовила для вас упражнения для практики (Ответы будут в конце статьи, но прошу не подглядывать, пока не сделаете;)).

1. That is the shop ____ was awarded as the best shop in the city.
2. The girl ____ brother goes with me to the gym is a good singer.
3. The man ____ broke into our house was caught in two days.
4. She visits her grandmother ____ lives in countryside every summer.
5. She was wearing a dress ___ looked like princess’.
6. The bookshelf ____ we bought last week has broken down.
7. The man ___ was sitting on the bench turned around and saw his granddaughter.
8. A woman ____ son was crying paid no attention to him.
9. The woman ____ car had broken down on her way home spent 3 hours waiting for help.
10. My best friend ____ I have known for years will never let me down.
11. He didn’t follow the instructions ____ he was given, so he failed to pass the test.
12. The girl ___ lived next door was very shy and couldn’t say a word to protect herself at school.
13. I need to buy a laptop ____ can work up to 5 hours without a charger.
14. My father ___ is a doctor has no idea how to repair a car.
15. The photo ____ is placed on the mantel was taken at the picnic two years ago.

Ну что, надеюсь, вы теперь вооружены полными знаниями и готовы справиться с любыми придаточными предложениями в английском языке. В попытках понять английского языка можно и в трех соснах заблудиться. Именно тогда нужна помочь профессионального учителя. Задавайте свои вопросы — буду рада на них ответить.

А пока я прощаюсь.
До новых интересных встреч!

1. which
2. whose
3. who
4. who
5. that
6. that
7. who
8. whose
9. whose
10. whom
11. that
12. who
13. that
14. who
15. that

First Conditional — важная тема в английской грамматике. Условные предложения 1 типа употребляются очень часто. Поэтому Вам просто необходимо хорошенько отработать данную тему. Следующие 12 conditionals упражнения окажутся Вам, несомненно, полезными.

Давайте немного вспомним теорию!

I тип условных предложений


Придаточное пр.

Главное пр.

Эти предложения выражают вполне реальные, осуществимые предположения, относящиеся к будущему или настоящему времени.

Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect

Future Simple, can, may, might, must, should, Imperative

If the weather is nice, we’ll go for a walk. – Если погода будет хорошая, мы пойдём на прогулку.

If you have taken the books, you can start working on your article.

If you see Greg, ask him to ring me up.

Если вы увидите Грега, попросите его позвонить мне по


Как видите, употребление – не самая сложная тема. Несколько хороших упражнений – и Вы овладеете ей в совершенстве. Итак, переходим к conditionals упражнениям.

First Conditional Exercises.

Упражнение 1. Put the verbs in the brackets into the Present Indefinite or the Future Indefinite Tense.

  1. If Peter __________ (come) to my place, we__________ (go) to play in the yard.
  2. If Peter__________ (not come) to my place, I __________ (watch) TV.
  3. If Frank’s parents__________ (have) their holidays in summer, they __________ (go) to the seaside.
  4. If they __________ (have) their holidays in winter, they __________ (stay) at home.
  5. If the fog _______ (thicken), Harold _______ (put up) the tent for the night.
  6. When I _______ (finish) my work, I_______ (go) to the cinema.
  7. We_______ (buy) this book as soon as our mother_______ (give) us some money.
  8. When we _______ (come) to your place you_______ (show) us your present.
  9. I_______ (return) you your ring when you_______ (ask) me.
  10. I_______ (wait) for my friend until he_______ (come) from the shop.
  11. My father_______ (start) writing before the sun _______ (rise).
  12. As soon as you _______ (finish) your study I_______ (present) you with a new flat.

Упражнение 2. Put the verb in the brackets in the correct tense to form the First Conditional.

Maria is a girl from your country. She is studying English and she"d like to visit an English-speaking country.

If Maria (go) abroad, she (go) to England or America. She (visit) London if she (go) to England. If she (stay) in London, she (spend) much money. She (not be able) to stay for long if she (spend) all her money. If her holiday (be) very short, she (not practice) her English. It (be) a pity if she (not try) to speak English. 

Упражнение 3. Make up conditional 1 sentences with if-clauses.

Example: Molly leave now / catch the bus .

If Molly leaves now, she’ll catch the bus.

  1. stay in bed / feel better
  2. work hard / get a job
  3. go shopping / spend much money
  4. ride a bike / get there quickly —
  5. eat carrots/see well in the dark .
  6. come now/go out together

Упражнение 4. Connect the sentences with when or if to form the first conditional.

Jack will come. We shall play chess. - When Jack comes, we shall play chess.

  1. All the pupils will come to school tomorrow. We shall write a test then.
  2. I’ll meet Ann after school. I’ll give her my album.
  3. You’ll not do your homework. The teacher will be angry.
  4. Mike won’t come today. We’ll play football without him.
  5. I’ll finish school with good marks. My father will take me to the seaside. .
  6. My school record may not be very good. Mom will be very upset.

Упражнение 5. Continue the chain stories. Use conditional 1.

If Brian has a lot of money, he’ll buy a bike.

If he buys a bike, he’ll ...

If he rides it ...

If you don’t do well at school, you’ll become a bad pupil.

If you become a bad pupil, you’ll stay ...

Упражнение 6. Study the list of prizes and speak for Nick and Tom, using conditional 1.

When Nick has breakfast at Tom’s house, he sees a packet of cornflakes on the table. On the back of it he sees this paper.


1st prize - a holiday in New York,

2nd prize - a motor-bike.

3rd-5th prize - a tent.

6th-12th prize - a cassette-recorder.

13th-20th prize - a camera.

21st-36th prize - an alarm-clock.

37th-50th prize - a book of flowers of Britain.

51st-99th prize - a T-shirt with Big Ben on it.

After reading it Tom has sent the answers.

a) Nick says to Tom:

  1. If you win the first prize, you’ll get a holiday in New York.
  2. If you win the second prize, you’ll get ... .
  3. If you win the third prize, you’ll ...
  4. If you win ...
  5. If ...
  6. If ...
  7. If ...
  8. If ...
  1. If I win a holiday in New York, I’ll come and visit you.
  2. If I win …
  3. If I …

Упражнение 7. Make conditional sentences.

  1. I’ll buy a colour film and take a lot of pictures if …
  2. I’ll have a party and we can dance to music if …
  3. I’ll go camping in the Lake District if …
  4. Molly’ll learn a lot of things if…
  5. I shan’t sit with you at the same desk unless…
  6. I’ll send her a letter as soon as …
  7. If he does his homework every day he …
  8. If he comes in the afternoon we …
  9. If you live in a big city what …?
  10. If Milly gives me her address, I …
  11. If you don’t stop talking, the teacher …

Упражнение 8. Answer the questions in conditional 1.

What will you do

  • if it rains on Sunday?
  • if your friends don’t play with you?
  • if your TV doesn’t work this evening?
  • if you lose your school record-book?
  • when the lessons are over?
  • when your holiday comes?
  • when your friend comes to see you tonight?
  • when you finish your homework?

Упражнение 9. Imagine that you are eighteen and you have finished school. What will you do then? Develop the following situation. Begin like this.

When I’m eighteen, I think I’ll I don’t think I’ll ..., but if , I’ll try

Упражнение 10. Join two sentences into one using if.

  1. It will rain today. We shall not go for a walk.
  2. Don’t move. You’ll fall down.
  3. The wind will change. There will be snow.
  4. I’ll be careful. I will not break the cups.
  5. You have free time now. Come for a walk with me.
  6. I’ll go hiking in summer. I’ll see a lot of interesting things.
  7. He’ll go shopping. He’ll buy some exercise-books for me.

Упражнение 11. Complete the sentences.

  1. Your Dad will get angry if you ... .
  2. My Mum will be happy if I ... .
  3. My sister will shout at me if I ...
  4. The teacher will not be happy if we ...
  5. You will do well at school if you ...

Упражнение 12. Write answers to the questions.

  1. What will you do if you jump into the river and see a crocodile there?
  2. What will your mother do if you break her favourite vase?
  3. What will the teacher do if you don’t do what she asks you to do?
  4. What will your friends do if you call them bad names?
  5. What will you do if you loose your school record- book? .

Ну вот и все на сегодня по теме условные предложения 1 типа. I hope you find these first conditional exercises useful. Сonditionals упражнения позволят Вам почувствовать уверенность в своем английском!

Условных предложений, а также познакомиться с . Пришло время выполнить упражнения на все эти типы условных предложений. Conditionals exercises даются с ответами, поэтому Вы сможете проверить уровень своих знаний по теме Условные предложения. Упражнения на Conditionals — прекрасный способ отработать полученные знания. Некоторые предложения, действительно, сложные – поэтому задавайте вопросы в комментариях.

Упражнения на условные предложения в английском. Conditionals exercises.

Упражнение 1. Подчеркните правильный вариант ответа. Underline the correct form to make conditional sentences.

  1. If Rita opens /will open a boutique in the High Street, she’ll make lots of money.
  2. If the economy doesn’t improve, lots of businesses will close / would close down.
  3. This burglar alarm is so sensitive: it goes off if a mouse runs / will run across the floor.
  4. George may go to prison unless he won’t pay / pays his taxes.
  5. The company was / would be more successful if it spent more money on advertising.
  6. If the employees of a company are/were happy, they work harder.
  7. We might sell our business if it makes / would make another loss this year.
  8. It looks like Molly’ll be okay, unless something new will happen / happens.
  9. Unless Shelly had read him wrong, Jack would find /would have found her unorthodox approach irresistible.
  10. Mat would not trust/ didn’t trust that unless he had to.

Упражнение 2 . Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в требующейся форме условного наклонения. Open the brackets to form conditionals. Mind mixed conditionals!

  1. If Felix (to be) ___________ here I would have seen him.
  2. Michael would not agree even if you (to ask) ____________ him.
  3. If they (mention) __________ this yesterday, everything would have been done.
  4. If I (to find) __________ that letter, I’ll show it to you.
  5. If I meet him, I (to invite) __________ him.
  6. Would they come if we (to invite) __________them?
  7. The boss (be) __________ very disappointed if you aren’t at the meeting tomorrow.
  8. The teacher said, “I’ll begin the lesson as soon as Jack _____________ (stop) talking.”
  9. The old gentleman doesn’t go out in winter. He _____________ (go) out if the weather gets warmer.
  10. She’s flying to Cairo tomorrow. She’ll send her family a telegram providing she _____________ (arrive) with a delay.
  11. If the plane had left on time, they _____________ (be) in Minsk now.
  12. If they hadn’t walked 40 km, they _____________ (not / be) exhausted now.
  13. What would have become of us, if I _______ (come) to you then!"
  14. He would have been scrupulous — if he (can) ________ !
  15. What is the answer if you (add) _______ 17 to 75?

Упражнение 3. Образуйте условные предложения, употребив нужную форму глагола. Make conditional sentences.

  1. Molly (be) _______ a splendid woman, if only she didn"t talk so much!
  2. The evening will be fine, if only we ________ (not have) a storm.
  3. You might be of interest to me, if only I (have) _________time to waste on you.
  4. If you (leave) __________ at two, you will be there before dark.
  5. When he isdrowning, a man (clutch) ________ at any straw.
  6. If only Greg (can) _______ get some favourable shock, that"s what would do it!
  7. You (can) _________ do it if you try
  8. You (can) _________ do it if you tried.
  9. You (can) _________ it if you had tried.
  10. We (go) __________ if it does not rain.
  11. Fred (come) _________ if he has time.
  12. If you (take) _______ a taxi, you"ll be in time.
  13. If Mark (have) ________enough money, he will go to the university.
  14. They won"t unless you (ask) ______ them to come
  15. What remains if you (subtract) ________ 5 from 10?
  16. If you (buy) ________a packet of cigarettes costing 3$ and matches costing 2$, and gave the shopkeeper 10$ note, how much change ought you to receive?

Упражнение 4. Supply the correct verb forms in these conditional sentences. Decide, which type of conditionals are these sentences. Определите, к какому типу условных предложений относятся следующие предложения. Раскройте скобки.

  1. If you (to heat) __________ iron, it (to start) ____________ to get red hot and then white hot.
  2. If Molly and Paul (be not) ________ misinformed about the train times, they (not be) __________ late.
  3. If Ioannis (stay) _______ longer at the party, he (have) ________ a good time
  4. If the government (lose) __________ the next election, the Prime Minister (resign) ________ from politics.
  5. If we (not go) ________ to your friend"s party, I never (meet) _________ Alan.
  6. If train fares (be) _________ cheaper, more people (use) _________ them.
  7. If Molly (get) _______ that job she"s applied for, she will be delighted.
  8. It (be) ______ a disaster if it the explosion had happened in the middle of the day.
  9. If the talks (be broken) __________ down again, there (be) ______ a war between the two countries
  10. If Ali (know) _______ anything about mechanics at that time, I"m sure she (help) _____ us.
  11. He (have) ________ a bad accident last Friday if he _____________ (not / drive) more carefully.

Упражнение 5. Переведите следующие условные предложения на английский.

  1. Джаггер пригрозил уйти в отставку, если правительство потерпит поражение
  2. Если бы в компании согласились, мы могли бы достичь быстрого прогресса.
  3. Компания вернет деньги, если вы передумаете.
  4. Выставка, возможно, закрылась бы, если бы они не нашли новых спонсоров.
  5. Я бы отказался сотрудничать, если бы я был в вашем положении
  6. Пожалуйста, сообщите врачу немедленно, если она покажет признаки улучшения.
  7. Молли и Салли поняли бы свою ошибку, если бы только остались до конца.
  8. Можете считать, что мы согласны, если не получите от нас новостей до воскресенья.
  9. Если вы выпьете слишком много кофе, вы не сможете уснуть.
  10. Если бы Джек привез карту, мы бы не заблудились.
  11. Если бы Джон знал о встрече, то приехал бы
  12. Если вы столкнетесь с Павлом, скажите ему, что я хочу его видеть.

Conditionals exercises. Английские условные упражнения: ответы.

1 opens, 2 will close, 3 runs, 4 pays, 5 would be, 6 are, 7 makes, 8 happens, 9 would find, 10 wouldn"t trust

1 had been, 2 asked, 3 had mentioned, 4 find, 5 will invite, 6 invited, 7 will be, 8 stops, 9 will go, 10 arrives, 11 would be, 12 wouldn’t be, 13 hadn’t come, 14 could, 15 add

1 would be, 2 don’t have, 3 had, 4 leave, 5 will clutch или clutches, 6 could, 7 can, 8 could, 9 could have done, 10 will go, 11 will come, 12 take, 13 has, 14 ask, 15 substract, 16 bought

1 heat / will start или starts, 2 hadn"t been / wouldn"t have been, 3 had stayed / would have had, 4 loses / will resign, 5 hadn"t gone / would have never met, 6 were / would use, 7 gets, 8 would have been, 9 are broken / will be, 10 had known / would have helped, 11 would have had / hadn’t been driving

  1. Jagger has threatened to resign if the government is defeated.
  2. If the companies agreed, we could make rapid progress.
  3. The company will refund the money if you change your mind
  4. The exhibition might have closed if they hadn"t found new sponsors.
  5. I would refuse to co-operate if I were in your position
  6. Please inform the doctor immediately if she shows signs of improvement.
  7. Molly and sally would have realized their mistake if only they had stayed until the end.
  8. You may assume we have agreed if you do not hear from us by Sunday
  9. If you drink too much coffee, you won"t be able to sleep.
  10. If Jack’d brought map, we wouldn"t have got lost.
  11. If John had known about the meeting, he would have come
  12. If you come across Paul, tell him I want to see him.

Упражнение 1

Раскрывая скобки, напишите каждое предложение три раза, образуя условные предложения 1, 2 и 3 типов.

· E.g. If you (to be) free, I (to come) to see you.:

If you are free, I will come to see you.

If you were free, I would come to see you.

If you had been free, I would have come to see you.

If I (to see) her, I (to be) glad.

If I see her, I will be glad.

If I saw her, I would be glad.

If I had seen her, I would have been glad.

1. If my friend (to come) to see me, I (to be) very glad. 2. If mother (to buy) a cake, we (to have) a very nice tea party. 3. If we (to receive) a telegram from him, we (not to worry) . 4. If you (not to work) systematically, you (to fail) the examinations. 5. If you (to be) busy, I (to leave) you alone. 6. If I (to live) in Moscow, I (to visit) the Tretyakov Gallery every year. 7. If I (to get) a ticket, I (to go) to the Philharmonic. 8. If I (to live) near a wood, I (to gather) a lot of mushrooms. 9. If my father (to return) early, we (to watch) TV together. 10. If she (to know) English, she (to try) to enter the university.

Упражнение 2

П ерепишите каждое из следующих предложений дважды, образуя предложения нереального условия:

а) относящиеся к настоящему или будущему,

b ) относящиеся к прошедшему.

1. If I am not too busy, I shall go to the concert. 2. They will all be surprised if I make such a mistake. 3. If he doesn"t come in time, shall we have to wait for him? 4. If no one comes to help, we shall be obliged to do the work ourselves. 5. If you put on your glasses, you will see better. 6. What shall we do if they are late? 7. Will you be very angry if we don"t come? 8. Will he be very displeased if I don"t ring him up?

Упражнение 3

Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, так, чтобы предложения выражалт рельное условие.

1. If I (to see) John, I (to tell) him your news. 2. He (to be) very pleased if it (to be) really true. 3. If you (to go) to town on Monday, you (to meet) my brother Tom. 4. If you (to need) help, my father (to help) you. 5. We (to have) a picnic lunch if the day (to be) fine. 6. If you (to ask) a policeman, he (to tell) you the way. 7. I (to finish) the job tomorrow if I (to can). 8. I (not / to require) an umbrella if it(not / to rain). 9. If she (to think) it over carefully, she (to form) a clear opinion. 10. If they (to catch) the bus now, they (to arrive) at half past nine. 11. He (to find) the answers if he (to look) at the back of the book. 12. If you (to want) me to, I (to come) for a walk with you. 13. If he (to write) to her, she (to answer) at once. 14. If you (to wait) a few moments, the waiter (to bring) your coffee. 15. He (to lose) weight if he (to stop) eating too much. 16. If she (to be) patient, I (to try) to explain. 17. I (to wear) a purle tie only if I (to must). 18. If we (to leave) at once, we (to catch) the early train. 19. If he (to do) that again, his father (to punish) him. 20. If she (drink) this medicine, she (to feel) much better.

Упражнение 4

Раскройте скобки таким образом, чтобы предложения выражали: а) реальное условие, b) нереальное условие настоящего времени.

1. If I (to know), I (to tell) you. 2. If she (to want) to talk she (to ring up). 3. Her health (to improve) if she (to sleep) longer. 4. If he (to have) enough money, he (to buy) a large house. 5. She (to feel) lonely if Peter (to go) out every evening. 6. We (to be) pleased to see you if you (to arrive). 7. If we (to can) come on Sunday, we (to come). 8. I (to understand) Mr. Smith if he (to speak) slowly. 9. We (not / to go) by ship unless there (to be) no other way. 10 If you (not / to give) him good meals, he (not / to be able) to work hard.

Упражнение 5

Замените предложения нереального условия в настоящем времени на предложения нереального условия в прошедшем времени.

1. If she tired, she could be better. 2. He would do more work if he were able. 3. I should live better if I earned more money. 4. If I knew the answer, I should tell you. 5. He wouldn"t come unless you invited him. 6. We shouldn"t remember it if it weren"t so strange. 7. If I had time, I would help you. 8. Peter would come if you wanted him to. 10. If you wrote more often, you would receive more letters. 11. They would prefer to keep it if they could. 12. I would buy it by myself if I had money. 13. If they offered it to me for nothing, I wouldn"t take it. 14. I should break a promise if I answered your question. 15. If you swore to keep a secret, I would tell you.

Упражнение 6

Составьте предложения, найдя соответствия между левой и правой колонками.

1. If I go on a diet

a. we"ll make a snowman

2. If it"s sunny tomorrow

b. I"ll buy you some chocolate

3. If John doesn"t hurry

c. she"ll have to take a taxi

d. I"ll lose weight

5. If there sre no buses

e. he"ll be late

6. If you are a good girl

f. we"ll go for a picnic

Упражнение 7

Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужное время.

John Smith is in prison. How did it happen? If John (not / to oversleep), he (not / to be) late for work. If he (not / to be) late for work, his boss (not / to fire) him. If John (not / to lose) his job, he (not / to need) money and he (not / to rob) the bank. If he (not / to rob) the bank, the police (not / to arrest) him.

Упражнение 8

Составьте условные предложения, используя материал левой и правой колонокб которые отражали бы Ваше отношение к ситуации.

e.g. Daniel had fallen ill. put on coat / catch cold

Daniel wouldn"t have caught cold if he had put on coat.

1. Nick has broken his leg. climb ladder / break his leg
2. Mr. Davidson had got a smashed car. drive carefully / avoid accident
3. John Smithson was the second in the competition. run faster / win the race
4. Chris has cut his finger. play with knife / cut finger
5. Mary has got a terrible headache. have headache / take aspirin
6. Mrs. Claydon has nothing left for supper. leave fish on the tablet / cat eat it

Упражнение 18

1. He is busy and does not come to see us. If ... . 2. The girl didn"t study well last year and received bad marks. If ... . 3. He broke his bicycle and so he didn"t go to the country. If ... . 4. He speaks English badly: he has no practice. If ... . 5. I had a bad headache yesterday, that"s why I didn"t come to see you. If ... . 6. The ship was sailing near the coast, that"s why it struck a rock. If ... . 7. He was not in town, therefore he was not present at our meeting. If ... . 8. The pavement was so slippery that I fell and hurt my leg. If ... . 9. The sea is rough, and we cannot sail to the island. If ... . 10. They made a fire, and the frightened wolves ran away. If ... . 11. It is late, and I have to go home. If ... . 12. I was expecting my friend to come, that"s why I couldn"t go to the cinema with you. If ... . 13. He always gets top marks in mathematics because it is his favourite subject and he works a lot at it. If ... . 14. I didn"t translate the article yesterday because I had no dictionary. If ... . 15. We lost our way because the night was pitch-dark. If ... . 16. The box was so heavy that I couldn"t carry it. That"s why I took a taxi. If ... .

Упражнение 19

Образуйте условные предложения.

1. The travellers had no camera with them, so they could not take photos of the beautiful scenery. If ... . 2. There was no sugar left, so we had to go to the shop late in the evening. If ... . 3. This house is very nice and comfortable, but it is not very good for living because it is situated close to a chemical plant and the air around is very bad. If ... . 4. He is an excellent specialist, but I can"t ask his advice because I"m not acquainted with him. If ... . 5. You cannot enjoy this merry evening party because you have a toothache. If ... 6. You know the material well enough, but you are very absent-minded, and that"s why you always make many mistakes. If ... . 7. You did not ring me up, so I did not know you were in trouble. If .. . 8. You left the child alone in the room, so he hurt himself. If ... . 9. They spent a year in the tropics, so they got very sun-tanned. If ... . 10. It rained heavily, so we got drenched to the skin. If ... . 11. Why didn"t you watch the cat? It ate all the fish. If ... . 12. A huge black cloud appeared from behind the forest, so we had to turn back and hurry home. If ... . 13. We shall not go to see them because it is very late. If ... . 14. Naturally she was angry, because you were in her way. If ... .

Придаточные условия Придаточные условия. Тесты Тест 1, "m.c." Тест 2, "m.c." Тест 3, "m.c." Тест 4, "m.c." Тест 5, "m.c." Тест 6, "m.c." Тест 1, "gaps" Тест 2, "gaps" Тест 3, "gaps" Тест 4, "gaps" Тест 5, "gaps" Наклонение. Сослагательное наклонение Сослагательное наклонение в придаточных