Making changes to the OSAGO electronic policy: when necessary, a package of documents and who can apply to the office with the policy

Quite recently, motorists got acquainted with such an attractive product as electronic OSAGO. Consider in the article how to make changes to the electronic OSAGO policy and what is needed for this. Also in the article we note in which cases the insurance company will not be able to make changes.

In what cases it is necessary to make changes

In paragraph 8 of Art. 15 of the Federal Law "On OSAGO" clearly states that the policyholder must notify the insurer of all changes that occur during the entire term of the contract.

At the same time, the policyholder must notify of the change not only of the information that appears in the policy form, but also of all others that were provided at the time of the conclusion of the OSAGO.

You should notify if the data has changed:

  • passports;
  • driver's license;
  • document for the car: PTS or STS.

In other cases, you do not need to contact the insurer. As for the term, they are not discussed at the legislative level. However, do not delay and apply after a few weeks or months.

When You Can't Change

At the legislative level, it is also spelled out in which case the insurance organization cannot make changes. You cannot change the data in the electronic policy:

  • the insurer under the contract;
  • insured vehicle;
  • term of insurance.

If you need to make changes of this nature, you will first need to terminate the contract form and draw up a new one.

Consequences and sanctions

What happens if the client, due to employment or ignorance, cannot amend the contract? Of course, penalties and punishments that are established at the level of the law do not exist.

However, there are cases when, as a result of untimely changes, drivers simply lost the earned discount and could not restore it. Specialists of the insurance company Rosgosstrakh and Alfastrakhovanie often face the fact that clients change their rights and do not notify the company, as a result of which the discount for accident-free disappears.

The loss of the accumulated bonus - these are the consequences that arise for customers who do not want to make changes to an electronic or regular OSAGO policy.

How to make changes to the electronic OSAGO policy: step by step instructions

Every motorist should know how the procedure for making changes takes place and what is needed for this. For your convenience, we have created a small step-by-step guide. Also, you can always get advice on insurance issues from our specialist on the site.

The first step is to write an application to the insurance

The first thing to do is to contact the office of the insurance organization and write a statement. The application form is always issued by employees of the insurance company. At this stage, many make a mistake and just go to the nearest insurer.

It is necessary to apply for changes to the office of the company in which the contract form was issued.

Experienced experts advise calling the insurer in advance and clarifying whether they can make these changes or not. The thing is that a number of financial institutions can amend the contract only at the central office.

Step two Submit documents

It is possible to make changes to the electronic OSAGO policy in the companies VSK, Consent or Ingosstrakh only if you have a complete package of documents. To apply, you will need to provide:

Additionally, the insurance organization may ask the client to show the car in a clean state. This requirement is permitted by law.

Step Three Get New Insurance

After accepting the application and the package of documents, the employee of the insurance organization will make changes to the contract form and issue a new policy. At the same time, it is important to take into account that on the new form, under special conditions, the number of the previously received contract will be written.

According to the rules, the insurer can make changes on the back of the form. In this case:

  • the mark “special conditions, continuation of policy No” is put;
  • new data is entered;
  • the position of the employee, full name and signature are put;
  • date and time are written.

For example, when changing the license plate of a car:

Special conditions, continuation of policy XXX No. 0101010101 dated 02.02.2018

State registration mark: Р001РР64

Manager of IC Ingosstrakh Sidorova Olga Petrovna (Signature)

February 14, 2018 at 11:20 am

Power of attorney to amend (sample)

As mentioned above, a power of attorney will be required if the office of the insurance company is not addressed by the policyholder, but by another person.

In this case, it is important to know that if the owner is not an insured under the contract, then he will also not be able to make changes without a power of attorney.

Any power of attorney is drawn up by a notary. It must indicate:

  • information of the insured;
  • data of the authorized person;
  • what actions the trustee can perform;
  • validity.

For your convenience, we offer you to download . If necessary, you can get advice on drawing up a power of attorney from a consultant on our website.

Some insurance companies are ready to meet the needs of their client and replace OSAGO with a simple power of attorney filled out by hand by the insured and the trustee. Whether the insurer accepts a handwritten power of attorney or not, you can check by phone.

Analysis of individual cases

Since the changes are different, in the last section of our post we will consider how changes should be made and what this may require.

Adding a new driver

It should be noted right away that this is the most relevant change for which drivers apply to the office of the insurer. In addition to all the previously listed documents, you must have the driver's license, whose motor third party liability must be insured.

No more than 5 drivers can be entered in the policy. If the specified amount is already insured under the contract, then when entering a new one, someone should be written out. However, you can select the condition "unlimited number of persons admitted to management".

There may be a surcharge for entering the driver, which the specialist calculates automatically. You will have to pay extra if the new driver:

  • the discount on the PCA base is less than the one on which the initial calculation was formed;
  • age less than 22 years or driving experience less than 3 years, and for previously entered road users more.

Change of vehicle ownership

Relevant if the insured sells a car for which the insurance is still valid. To enter information, you will need to provide:

  • contract of sale;
  • passport of the new owner.

An additional payment for changes is charged if the new owner has a higher coefficient for the correction coefficient "place of registration".

For example, the former policyholder was registered in the Saratov region and paid at a rate of 0.7. The new owner has a registration Saratov, as a result of which the calculation is based on the indicator 1.6. It turns out that the new owner must pay the difference, which is calculated for the remaining number of days of the contract automatically according to the insurer's program.